The One Plan Approach to Conservation

The One Plan approach to species conservation is the development of management strategies and conservation actions by all responsible parties for all populations of a species, whether inside or outside their natural range.

Traditionally, species conservation planning has followed two parallel but separate tracks. Field biologists, wildlife managers, and conservationists monitor wild populations and develop conservation strategies and actions to conserve threatened species. Meanwhile, the zoo and aquarium community develops long-term goals for sustaining ex situ populations.

CPSG supports an integrated approach to species conservation planning through the joint development of management strategies and conservation actions by all responsible parties. We strive to ensure that a broad range of stakeholders is represented at each workshop. As a result, one comprehensive conservation plan for the species helps bridge the gap between wild and captive population management.


Examples of CPSG One Plan approach projects:

- Meta-Population Planning for New Zealand's Takahë

- Greater sage grouse in Canada

- Red pandas across their range

- Pickersgill's reed frogs in South Africa

- Eastern barred bandicoots in Australia

- Western pond turtles in Washington, USA

- Central American river turtles in Mexico

Examples of the One Plan approach around the web:

-"The One Plan Approach with Apologies to Shakespeare" Onnie Byers. AZA Connect, pp. 19-20.

- National Bilby Summit Announced - Conservation groups undertaking a 'One Plan approach' process to save the species

- The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) published their annual magazine with a focus on integrated conservation planning. Many of the articles were contributed by CPSG and CPSG members about our One Plan approach to conservation planning. Download the magazine.

- Giraffeid Volume 8 article about using OPA for giraffes (pp. 13-15)

- Arabian Sand Cat 'One Plan' Workshop Hosted by Al Ain Zoo

- Zoos through the Lens of the IUCN Red List: A Global Metapopulation Approach to Support Conservation Breeding Programs (Conde, et al) discusses CPSG's One Plan approach.

- "Assessing the Species": article in EAZA Zooquaria about using a One Plan approach to collection planning for Callitrichidae, a family of New World monkeys