This is the final guest post by CBSG Member and Climate Reality Leader Madelon Willemsen about the upcoming working group on climate change at the CBSG Annual Meeting.
Last week the GPY&R team presented the creative idea on the Zoos & Aquariums for 350 visitor climate change campaign. The team has done a fantastic job, but that at the moment I am not allowed to show or tell you anything about the idea, logo and artwork ...
The only thing I can share is that this campaign puts our community right in the middle of the climate change challenge. It links climate change and the effect on the animal collection and their wild counter parts directly, and most importantly it calls for zoo and aquarium visitors to take action.
The work will be presented at the CBSG Annual Meeting in a plenary session, followed by a working group discussion. During the CBSG working group on Saturday 1 November, we are keen to hear feedback and comments on the campaign, and brainstorm what is needed to roll out the campaign collectively across the global zoos and aquarium. I am looking forward to presenting the creative idea in the morning and to 'workshop' the campaign with you at the working group in the afternoon.
See you soon in New Delhi!