CPSG Europe

Convenor and team members

Kristin Leus, Convenor (Copenhagen Zoo)

Ann-Katrine Garn (Copenhagen Zoo)

Christina Hvilsom (Copenhagen Zoo)

Simon Bruslund (Copenhagen Zoo)

Katharina Herrmann (Zoologischer Garten Berlin)

Bengt Holst (special advisor and former convenor)


CPSG Europe was founded in 2002 and has from the beginning been hosted by Copenhagen Zoo.  Each team member spends a proportion of their worktime on CPSG tasks. Until approximately 2020, our RRC’s primary focus was on providing extra capacity and support to CPSG globally. We conducted facilitation, modelling and training in species conservation planning for species world-wide – predominantly in partnership with CPSG HQ and other RRCs. During this period, we were involved with 34 planning workshops and 19 training events. 

Currently, we are adding increased focus on developing pathways for CPSG’s involvement in planning for the species and genetic diversity components of Europe’s biodiversity - in collaboration with Regional and National Governments and other European conservation entities, and, among others, through Assess to Plan and Multispecies Planning workshops. CPSG Europe also has significant expertise in ex situ conservation. We have played significant roles in the development of the IUCN SSC Guidelines on the Use of Ex situ Management for Species Conservation, and in the development of processes for Ex situ Conservation Assessment (ECA) workshops and associated capacity building and training (such as CPSG’s online ECA training course). 



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