CBSG in the News

Here's a roundup of recent appearances of CBSG and CBSG-related work in the news:

•    Nature published an article about the Hainan gibbon and the recent conservation planning workshop for the species. The article quotes Kathy Traylor-Holzer, who facilitated the workshop and provided modeling support. Read the article here:, and stay tuned for an article about the workshop in our upcoming eUpdate.

•    "The One Plan Approach: With Apologies to Shakespeare" by Onnie Byers was printed in a recent edition of AZA CONNECT. She discusses integrated conservation planning and the importance of collaboration (and manages to include some poetry too!). Click here to download the publication - the article begins on page 18.

•    An article about the threat of yellow fever to brown howler monkeys in Argentina was published on The article is based on the results from the Brown Howler PVA completed last year by CBSG and the Brown Howler Monkey Conservation group. You can read it at