We are proud to share an important paper on the use of metamodels for transdisciplinary species risk assessments. The paper's lead author is Bob Lacy, Chicago Zoological Society's Senior Conservation Scientist and CBSG's Science Advisor. Co-authors include CBSG senior program officer, Phil Miller, CBSG North America's co-convenor, Philip Nyhus, and three other active CBSG members, JP Pollack, Becky Raboy, and Sara Zeigler. The paper can be found at this link: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0084211
A “metamodel” links multiple, discrete models that depict separate components of a complex system, governing the flow of information between models and the sequence of events in the simulation process. A group of researchers including CBSG staff have developed a “metamodel” approach to species risk assessment when diverse threats span multiple disciplines, act at different spatiotemporal scales, or interact in non-linear ways.