Our most recent eUpdate contains the latest projects from CBSG, including wildlife disease risk analysis training in Singapore, a meeting with the Species Conservation Planning Subcommittee in Oxford, and the exciting publication of WAZA Magazine 14: Towards Integrated Species Conservation, which featured many articles contributed by CBSG.
Kathy Traylor-Holzer traveled to Thailand in early September to train over 50 staff from the Zoological Parks Organization of Thailand (ZPO) and its seven National zoos in ex situ population management. If you've been keeping up with our eUpdates, you know that this is part of an ongoing effort to increase ex situ population management capacity in Asia.
Phil Miller continued work on two population viability analyses (PVA), one for the Colorado pikeminnow in the Western US and another for the yellow-tailed woolly monkey in Peru.
Check out our eUpdate to learn more about these ongoing projects and what to expect in the next couple of months.